Monday, November 22, 2010

NaNoWriMo—Day 22

Well, we're over halfway through NaNoWriMo and I'm...really behind.  I don't know how it happened.  I took a writing retreat with a friend (which I feel was more an eating and drinking retreat than an actual writing retreat.  I got work done...just not as much as I hoped.  I blame the man in our Inn that kept me up all night with his snoring and completely ruined me for an entire day), I downloaded this awesome writing software Scrivener (which is half off if you win NaNoWriMo), but somehow I missed one day, then another and suddenly it was the 22nd and I only had 22,000 words.  Granted, that's nothing to sneeze at, but it's definitely a far cry from where I should be.  And I've heard some people have already finished! (Jerks)

I'm just looking forward to this four day weekend so I can get my butt into gear and get some writing done.  Right now it's 50,000 words or bust.

What about you guys?  How are you doing?  Anyone (gasp) finished?

If you're in need of some inspiration, GalleyCat has been having some great NaNo daily tips for those of us struggling through this month of writing.

Every year this is what I think my NaNoWriMo experience will be like

This is the reality (only, you know, I'm female...and the wine glass is bigger)

In other news, I recently read Not That Kind of Girl by Siobhan Vivian, which I really enjoyed.  (Plus, the guy on the cover looks like Nicholas Hoult to me and I couldn't resist) It was a great look at the complexity of female sexuality, particularly in teens, and was just generally an engrossing read.  I think I finished it within two hours.  The main character, Natalie, reminded me more than a little of myself.

Here are some actual reviews since I'm in NaNo panic mode and have a little voice screaming at me that I should be writing, not blogging!

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