Summary (via Goodreads): Sophie Mercer thought she was a witch.
That was the whole reason she was sent to Hex Hall, a reform school for delinquent Prodigium (aka witches, shapeshifters, and fairies). But that was before she discovered the family secret, and that her hot crush, Archer Cross, is an agent for The Eye, a group bent on wiping Prodigium off the face of the earth.
Turns out, Sophie’s a demon, one of only two in the world—the other being her father. What’s worse, she has powers that threaten the lives of everyone she loves. Which is precisely why Sophie decides she must go to London for the Removal, a dangerous procedure that will destroy her powers.
But once Sophie arrives she makes a shocking discovery. Her new friends? They’re demons too. Meaning someone is raising them in secret with creepy plans to use their powers, and probably not for good. Meanwhile, The Eye is set on hunting Sophie down, and they’re using Archer to do it. But it’s not like she has feelings for him anymore. Does she?
Review: Oh, Sophie. I'd forgotten how much I loved your snarky, sarcastic way. I will admit when I heard that Sophie and company were spending a summer in London I thought, "ugh, an entire book of 'What I Did On My Summer Vacation? Lame. Hex Hall, I thought you were better than this." Oh, how wrong I was. Rachel Hawkins took something that could have easily been a fun series about supernatural creatures in reform school and completely pulled the rug out from under us, making the reader question everything they've come to learn about the Hex Hall world.
Before I get to all the craziness that had me practically yelling at my book to stop it and just go back to Hecate Hall where everything would go back to normal, let's address the love triangle. I've gotten pretty sick of love triangles, but I have to say I'm just as torn as Sophie. Throughout the first half of the book I'm completely "TEAM CAL! Woohoo!" but then Archer shows up and is all sarcastic and there's a lot of sexy banter and I become more "Team Cal? Right? We're Team Cal here...I think..." (I, actually, am totally Team Cal, but I think it's more of Team Cal For Erin because he's impossibly cute and stoic and I may want to have his babies) However, there is some crazy/good chemistry between Archer and Sophie that's just impossible to deny. Though, I will say, I wanted to shake Sophie a few times. Note for the future, Soph, do not tell your ex-crush/kissing buddy exactly where you are hiding out from his brethren that want you dead!
Also, I know you're in love with him but don't just go on some portal-hopping adventure without a second thought. I didn't totally understand Archer's motives with Sophie in terms of helping her investigate whoever's creating demons, but I found myself brushing past it as they distracted me with their snarky, sexy banter.
Besides my love for sweet, dependable Cal, I know I'm getting old because I found it pretty heartbreaking the way Sophie's dad was still hung up on Sophie's mom. I think it would have even worked better if he didn't come out and say it later in the book because his quiet pining pretty much made me swoon when they interacted early in the story.
The love triangle smartly takes a backseat to all the craziness that's happening between The Eye and the Prodigium. The war is escalating between the two and turning deadly. I was surprised at the gravity that came with the second in this fun series. While Sophie keeps her quick, biting wit, there's no denying that things are no longer carefree and fun. Hawkins throws some surprising twists into the story that have completely turned Sophie's world upside-down for me. Plus, as I found out, much to my dismay, Demonglass ends on a CRAZY DRAMATIC CLIFFHANGER. I had an ARC copy and kept thinking I was missing pages at the end, but, no, Rachel Hawkins clearly wants us to suffer because we have to wait until Hex Hall #3 to get any sort of closure, which, in my mind, is evil.
Lit Snit Verdict: A
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Mad About: Marian Keyes (Week #1--This Charming Man)
One of the reasons I've become mad about Marian Keyes is that she has the ability to take the most serious of issues & turn it into a story infused with a great deal of humor and warmth, i.e. Rachel's Holiday & Anybody Out There (both of which I'll tackle this month!). I enjoy laughing (and, I'll admit, a sniffle here and there) during these tales yet still walking away from them with something to think about...
Not so much with <-- this one.
The first week of Marian's Madness doesn't exactly start off on a high note with This Charming Man--
It's not my favorite Marian Keyes' book. Not at all. Lola's language is short & choppy, also written in the style of text message; this goes for everyone with whom she interacts. It's a bit difficult and slightly annoying as the book focuses a great deal on Lola's point of view. I believe it serves Keyes' purpose because it does make Lola seem a bit flighty, making her the perfect foil to Grace, who is an ambitious journalist interested in nothing more than getting her story.
Marnie's plight is somewhat frightening. Her experience with de Courcy has fueled her alcoholism and her addicition is scary, to the point of blacking out and waking up beaten up and injured. Her journey is a tough one to read. Oh, and Paddy de Courcy? UGLY. I don't think there's a better way to describe this man. His behavior towards each woman is slowly revealed by flashbacks at the beginning of each chapter and it's gruesome.
This book was much grittier than I expected and rightfully so. Domestic abuse isn't a light-hearted issue. Keyes' tackles it well, however, while still providing us with a silver lining. This book is not the story of victims; it's the story of women finding the strength within themselves to deal with what life has handed them & for that I say well done. While I did say it's not my favorite of Marian Keyes' book, it is the most thought-provoking and I did enjoy it.
LitSnit Grade: A
Next week: A vlog (eek!) on Keyes' Walsh Family Series...
Not so much with <-- this one.
The first week of Marian's Madness doesn't exactly start off on a high note with This Charming Man--
- Issue: Domestic Abuse
- Main Character: From perspective from of four women--- 1) Lola--a stylist; 2)Grace-- a journalist; 3) Marnie-- Grace's alcoholic sister, 4) Alicia--the fiancee of Paddy de Courcy, the center of this story.
It's not my favorite Marian Keyes' book. Not at all. Lola's language is short & choppy, also written in the style of text message; this goes for everyone with whom she interacts. It's a bit difficult and slightly annoying as the book focuses a great deal on Lola's point of view. I believe it serves Keyes' purpose because it does make Lola seem a bit flighty, making her the perfect foil to Grace, who is an ambitious journalist interested in nothing more than getting her story.
Marnie's plight is somewhat frightening. Her experience with de Courcy has fueled her alcoholism and her addicition is scary, to the point of blacking out and waking up beaten up and injured. Her journey is a tough one to read. Oh, and Paddy de Courcy? UGLY. I don't think there's a better way to describe this man. His behavior towards each woman is slowly revealed by flashbacks at the beginning of each chapter and it's gruesome.
This book was much grittier than I expected and rightfully so. Domestic abuse isn't a light-hearted issue. Keyes' tackles it well, however, while still providing us with a silver lining. This book is not the story of victims; it's the story of women finding the strength within themselves to deal with what life has handed them & for that I say well done. While I did say it's not my favorite of Marian Keyes' book, it is the most thought-provoking and I did enjoy it.
LitSnit Grade: A
Next week: A vlog (eek!) on Keyes' Walsh Family Series...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Review — Vesper by Jeff Sampson
Okay, so here's the thing about this week's Villette-Read-a-Long: I'm behind. Like chapters behind (they're LONG this week). I know, I know I'm terrible. I promise I'll post my Week Three thoughts this weekend when I've caught up. In the meantime, have a review!
Summary (via Goodreads): Emily Webb is a geek. And she’s happy that way. Content hiding under hoodies and curling up to watch old horror flicks, she’s never been the kind of girl who sneaks out for midnight parties. And she’s definitely not the kind of girl who starts fights or flirts with other girls’ boyfriends. Until one night Emily finds herself doing exactly that . . . the same night one of her classmates—also named Emily—is found mysteriously murdered.
The thing is, Emily doesn’t know why she’s doing any of this. By day, she’s the same old boring Emily, but by night, she turns into a thrill seeker. With every nightfall, Emily gets wilder until it’s no longer just her personality that changes. Her body can do things it never could before: Emily is now strong, fast, and utterly fearless.
And soon Emily realizes that she’s not just coming out of her shell . . . there’s something much bigger going on. Is she bewitched by the soul of the other, murdered Emily? Or is Emily Webb becoming something else entirely— something not human?
As Emily hunts for answers, she finds out that she’s not the only one this is happening to—some of her classmates are changing as well. Who is turning these teens into monsters—and how many people will they kill to get what they want?
Review: I feel like it's a rare YA book that keeps me guessing throughout the entire book, even more rare to not undermine the entire mystery with some cliched or obvious ending, so I was pleasantly surprised when Vesper managed an interesting mystery without making me roll my eyes when I got to the last page.
Vesper is hard to talk about because I'm wary of giving away any thing about the overall mystery. Suffice it to say that just when I thought I knew what was going on, I was thrown in a completely new direction. There were hints as to what was going on with Emily and the other kids in her town, but everything is so vague and clouded in mystery that I really couldn't take any one "explanation" as fact until the final reveal. I will say that I thought Emily jumped to her suspicions about her "powers" a little to readily. If I was suddenly acting like my sluttier evil twin come nightfall I don't know if I would jump to the conclusions she did. In the end it made sense, but as she was in the library trying to figure out what was going on with her I found her choice of material a leap. (See? This is way hard to comment on without giving everything away!)
I really loved Emily in all of her sci-fi geeky-ness. She'd totally be a girl I'd be best friends with in high school. Heck, I think I was her in high school. I could have dealt with about 40% less "I'm such a geek/have I told you that I'm a geek/really, I'm a HUGE geek, just look at all my Buffy paraphernalia." I felt at a certain point like, okay I get it! Stop beating a dead horse! You're a geek. Congrats.
Interspersed with Emily trying to figure out just what the hell is happening to her are mini-chapters of her being questioned by a scientist what we assume is a few months in the future. More than just creating a creepy Fringe vibe, these chapters really allow you to see how Emily evolves in future books. She's pretty flippant and sarcastic and it only made me love her more for embracing her inner badass. Even more, there's a logical explanation for why Emily's personality takes such a massive shift, when the other kids aren't suddenly making out with the local deputy and stealing cars.
My only big complaint, other than Emily's sudden logic jump about her condition, was the reveal of her love interest. I felt like he wasn't established enough as a character to the point I went "who??" and had to go back to previous chapters to figure out who he was. The mystery might have been dragged out slightly too long because the action felt a little hurried and I would have liked to see more of Emily dealing with the revelation of what she is.
I hesitate to say anything else for fear of spoiling you guys, but, let me just say that I cannot freaking wait until the next Deviants book. Jeff Sampson has a gift for keeping the reader guessing and has created a spooky, compelling series. I'm excited to see what the deal is with some of the other kids in Emily's town. There are hints of other powers going on and I'm eager to see what else is in store for these kids.
Lit Snit Verdict: B+
*I received an ARC of this book through Around the World ARC tours
Summary (via Goodreads): Emily Webb is a geek. And she’s happy that way. Content hiding under hoodies and curling up to watch old horror flicks, she’s never been the kind of girl who sneaks out for midnight parties. And she’s definitely not the kind of girl who starts fights or flirts with other girls’ boyfriends. Until one night Emily finds herself doing exactly that . . . the same night one of her classmates—also named Emily—is found mysteriously murdered.
The thing is, Emily doesn’t know why she’s doing any of this. By day, she’s the same old boring Emily, but by night, she turns into a thrill seeker. With every nightfall, Emily gets wilder until it’s no longer just her personality that changes. Her body can do things it never could before: Emily is now strong, fast, and utterly fearless.
And soon Emily realizes that she’s not just coming out of her shell . . . there’s something much bigger going on. Is she bewitched by the soul of the other, murdered Emily? Or is Emily Webb becoming something else entirely— something not human?
As Emily hunts for answers, she finds out that she’s not the only one this is happening to—some of her classmates are changing as well. Who is turning these teens into monsters—and how many people will they kill to get what they want?
Review: I feel like it's a rare YA book that keeps me guessing throughout the entire book, even more rare to not undermine the entire mystery with some cliched or obvious ending, so I was pleasantly surprised when Vesper managed an interesting mystery without making me roll my eyes when I got to the last page.
Vesper is hard to talk about because I'm wary of giving away any thing about the overall mystery. Suffice it to say that just when I thought I knew what was going on, I was thrown in a completely new direction. There were hints as to what was going on with Emily and the other kids in her town, but everything is so vague and clouded in mystery that I really couldn't take any one "explanation" as fact until the final reveal. I will say that I thought Emily jumped to her suspicions about her "powers" a little to readily. If I was suddenly acting like my sluttier evil twin come nightfall I don't know if I would jump to the conclusions she did. In the end it made sense, but as she was in the library trying to figure out what was going on with her I found her choice of material a leap. (See? This is way hard to comment on without giving everything away!)
I really loved Emily in all of her sci-fi geeky-ness. She'd totally be a girl I'd be best friends with in high school. Heck, I think I was her in high school. I could have dealt with about 40% less "I'm such a geek/have I told you that I'm a geek/really, I'm a HUGE geek, just look at all my Buffy paraphernalia." I felt at a certain point like, okay I get it! Stop beating a dead horse! You're a geek. Congrats.
Interspersed with Emily trying to figure out just what the hell is happening to her are mini-chapters of her being questioned by a scientist what we assume is a few months in the future. More than just creating a creepy Fringe vibe, these chapters really allow you to see how Emily evolves in future books. She's pretty flippant and sarcastic and it only made me love her more for embracing her inner badass. Even more, there's a logical explanation for why Emily's personality takes such a massive shift, when the other kids aren't suddenly making out with the local deputy and stealing cars.
My only big complaint, other than Emily's sudden logic jump about her condition, was the reveal of her love interest. I felt like he wasn't established enough as a character to the point I went "who??" and had to go back to previous chapters to figure out who he was. The mystery might have been dragged out slightly too long because the action felt a little hurried and I would have liked to see more of Emily dealing with the revelation of what she is.
I hesitate to say anything else for fear of spoiling you guys, but, let me just say that I cannot freaking wait until the next Deviants book. Jeff Sampson has a gift for keeping the reader guessing and has created a spooky, compelling series. I'm excited to see what the deal is with some of the other kids in Emily's town. There are hints of other powers going on and I'm eager to see what else is in store for these kids.
Lit Snit Verdict: B+
*I received an ARC of this book through Around the World ARC tours
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
WoW - Some long waits
This Waiting on Wednesday* I'm dedicating to all a few titles we've been waiting on FOREVER for a conclusion, a few series with years since the last release.
Earth's Children Series
Book 1, The Clan of the Cavebear, was published in 1980, and it's been nine years since the second-to-last book was published in 2002. Earth's Children's final book will be released ... drumroll please ... on March 29, 2011
I haven't read any of the Earth's Children books (though I know people who have), so I was hestitant to read more than the summary of the first book. But I do know that it takes place in the ice age (how many books can you say that about?), and features a girl named Ayla who we meet in the first book. At five years old, she is orphaned by an earthquake and taken in by a tribe who call themselves the Clan of the Cavebear.
The Night World Series
Books 1 through 9 of this 10-book series were released within a span of a few years ('96-'98), each story featuring a new set of characters all leading up to a great battle between good and evil promised to the reader for the final book in the series.
The final book, Strange Fate, will be release onApril 6 2010... July 6 2010... April 26 2011... July 26 2011... July 10 2012(???)
I read these books when they first came out and loved them. The rules of the Night World are clear: 1) Never allow humans to gain knowledge of the Night World's existence and, 2) Never fall in love with one of them. Of course, these stories were all about what happens when the rules get broken, when Night Worlders (vampires, witches and the occasional werewolf) start finding their soulmates in humans.
While the title and plot of the final book has been public knowledge for years, I'm begining to wonder if this last book will ever come out ... and if it does, if I'll still care. The over-arching plot of the series centered around the millennium, but the world survived Y2K unscathed and might now find a world-ending-in-2000 story unimpressive.
Hopefully Strange Fate will be published while there still interested readers left!
A Song of Ice and Fire Series (A Game of Thrones)
This is another series on my to-read list. It began with A Game of Thrones released in '96. Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros, a land where summers can last decades and winters a lifetime.
Now a show based on the series will start up in April. It's been 6 years since the last book came out, but fans will have to wait until December of next year for A Dance with Dragons to be released (unless maybe the popularity of the show bumps up the release date...?)
What about you? Which series have you waited the longest for its conclusion? What are you still waiting for?
*Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine
Book 1, The Clan of the Cavebear, was published in 1980, and it's been nine years since the second-to-last book was published in 2002. Earth's Children's final book will be released ... drumroll please ... on March 29, 2011
I haven't read any of the Earth's Children books (though I know people who have), so I was hestitant to read more than the summary of the first book. But I do know that it takes place in the ice age (how many books can you say that about?), and features a girl named Ayla who we meet in the first book. At five years old, she is orphaned by an earthquake and taken in by a tribe who call themselves the Clan of the Cavebear.
Books 1 through 9 of this 10-book series were released within a span of a few years ('96-'98), each story featuring a new set of characters all leading up to a great battle between good and evil promised to the reader for the final book in the series.
The final book, Strange Fate, will be release on
I read these books when they first came out and loved them. The rules of the Night World are clear: 1) Never allow humans to gain knowledge of the Night World's existence and, 2) Never fall in love with one of them. Of course, these stories were all about what happens when the rules get broken, when Night Worlders (vampires, witches and the occasional werewolf) start finding their soulmates in humans.
While the title and plot of the final book has been public knowledge for years, I'm begining to wonder if this last book will ever come out ... and if it does, if I'll still care. The over-arching plot of the series centered around the millennium, but the world survived Y2K unscathed and might now find a world-ending-in-2000 story unimpressive.
Hopefully Strange Fate will be published while there still interested readers left!
This is another series on my to-read list. It began with A Game of Thrones released in '96. Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros, a land where summers can last decades and winters a lifetime.
Now a show based on the series will start up in April. It's been 6 years since the last book came out, but fans will have to wait until December of next year for A Dance with Dragons to be released (unless maybe the popularity of the show bumps up the release date...?)
What about you? Which series have you waited the longest for its conclusion? What are you still waiting for?
*Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine
Monday, February 21, 2011
Review — Where I Belong by Gwendolyn Heasley

When Corrinne's father is laid off, her world suddenly falls apart. Instead of heading to boarding school, she's stripped of her credit cards and shipped off to the boonies of Texas to live with her grandparents. On her own in a big public school and forced to take a job shoveling manure, Corrinne is determined to get back to the life she's supposed to be living. She doesn't care who she stomps on in the process. But when Corrinne makes an unlikely friend and discovers a total hottie at work, she begins to wonder if her life B.R.—before the recession—was as perfect as it seemed.
Review: While I live in New York City, I’ve always kind of thought of myself as a country girl (okay, country-ish girl. I’ve worked on a farm, showed horses in the county fair, slept on a bale of hay, but will still freak out if I see any kind of bug) and happen to love those “fish out of water” stories where a city girl is thrown into country life, so I was pretty excited to hear about Where I Belong. When I first read the synopsis I thought Gossip Girl meets Friday Night Lights. Blair Waldorf meets Tim Riggins? Yes, please!
I was a little nervous when the first page was a letter “from” Corrinne basically telling the reader to stick with the story even if you find her incredibly annoying and vapid (which I did). When the main character’s telling you to just keep reading even if you hate her it makes you think twice about even turning the page, but Corrinne does grow on you. Somewhere in the middle of the story I forgot that she was exactly the kind of self-entitled, Upper East Side rich girl that I want to smack on the subway when she takes up the last seat in the car for her tiny, quivering dog. It’s a subtle transition and before you know it you’re actually kind of rooting for Corrinne and empathizing with her.
Broken Spoke, Texas is slightly stereotypical, but it encapsulated small town life pretty well. The townsfolk’s names though? No. Just no. I could deal with Jenny Jo, Corrinne’s mom’s name. But Kitsy? Bubby? I just cannot take a guy seriously as a romantic possibility with the name Bubby. I’m sorry. I just felt like it was laying the “folksy charm” a bit too much. And I liked Bubby, I did. Kitsy, too. They just had very unfortunate names for such down-to-earth characters.
While I think Heasley created a great setting in Broken Spoke and succeeded in the difficult task of making a spoiled socialite likable, the dialogue was a little clunky. Corrinne and her best friend both had strange sayings I’ve never heard any New Yorker actually utter, like “aren’t you a Forthcoming Frances/Overreacting Ophelia/Scaredy Cat Susie.” It just felt out of character and weird. Same with uses of words like “whack.” I thought that word died in the 90s. Maybe I just hoped it did…
Heasley could have also easily turned this into a straight romance YA, but she kept Corrinne’s relationship with Bubby on the back burner in favor of her relationship with her mother, Kitsy and her best friend from NYC (whose name is escaping me…). It was much more about Corrinne’s journey than falling in love for the first time. Things aren’t tied up neatly at the end, but it works. Like I said, you care more than Corrinne has changed than you do about any kind of concrete resolution. Though, maybe I’m just a terrible cynic, Kitsy’s dreams of moving to NYC and becoming a makeup artist made me a bit sad because, with all she has stacked up against her, I wondered if she wouldn’t end up as she predicted in a candid moment to Corrinne (married right out of high school with kids soon after) or, worse, like her mother. Heasley barely touched on the socioeconomic struggles of small town life, but it did make you think.
Overall, Where I Belong isn’t exactly Friday Night Lights (but what is?), but it’s cute, fun and made me itch for a trip outside of the city. More YA needs to be set in small country towns and, more importantly, do it well. Heasley had right balance of realism and a bit of idealized nostalgia.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Happy Sunday! New Monthly (Weekend?) Feature!
![]() |
See? I read, I read! |
Oy. My apologies.
Back in November, I complained about struggling to find the time to read. You were all lovely enough to chime in on how you find the time to read, and these suggestions worked. I made the time...I took Meg's suggestion and started to read a bit before bed. I adapted to my LitSnit cohort Erin's technique and read while on the train. My lunch breaks became prime reading time when taken, per Aelia's advice.
Needless to say, I got a lot of reading done. I just never got a lot of writing or REVIEWING done.Arg.
So, as the weekend LitSnit poster, I've decided to start a monthly weekend series (catchy name to be announced) focusing on one particular author or series. Gives me a chance to cover the TONS of books I got to read, as well as learn more about the people I've grown to like! It will also, hopefully, give me the chance to learn about your likes and dislikes of them as well.
Marian Keyes |
Do you have any favorite Marian Keyes books? Also, do you have any authors you'd recommend? Let me know!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Villette Read-a-Long: Week Two
In case you've forgotten, I'm participating in the Villette-Read-a-Long hosted by Wallace over at Unputdownables. This week we read chapters 6-11. Here's the schedule for the next coming weeks if you want to join us/catch up (which you should!)
Week #/ dates :: Chapters to Read
Week One/ February 1st-7th :: ch. 1-5 (i.e. read chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5)
Week Two/ February 8th-14th :: ch. 6-11
Week Three/ February 15th-21st :: ch. 12-17
Week Four/ February 22nd-28th :: ch. 18-22
Week Five/ March 1st-March 7th :: ch. 23-27
Week Six/ March 8th-March 14th :: ch. 28-32
Week Seven/ March 15th-March 21st :: ch. 33-37
Week Eight/ March 22-March 28th :: ch. 38-42
Okay, for only six chapters a TON of stuff has happened to our pal Lucy Snowe.
So when we left Lucy she was in London, all alone and trying to figure out what to do next. She decides to head off to Villette in France to find a job as a governess or teacher. On the voyage over she meets Ginerva Fanshawe, possibly the most annoying girl ever, who tells her about a boarding school and mentions the headmistress, Madame Beck who's in need of a governess for her kids.
In France, Lucy's more alone than ever in a country where she doesn't speak the language. She finds an inn but there are strange folk about and heads off the next day to Villette. In Villette, Lucy discovers some idiot didn't bring her trunk, but, again, Elle ne parele pas francais (I hope that means "she doesn't speak French" because that's what the online translator gave me). A handsome stranger comes to her rescue and, seriously, it's like a scene from my life. Handsome strangers are always coming up asking, "do you need some assistance?" and I have to beat them off with a stick. It's a curse.
Anyway, he points her to an inn and she's stalked by two mustachioed men and flees into a nearby house she thinks is the inn. (Note to Lucy: Good instinct. Never trust a mustachioed man.) Low and behold she ends up in front of Madame Beck's house and Beck says "you want a job even though I don't speak English and you don't speak French? SURE!" So Lucy has a place to stay, though Beck is pretty paranoid and spies on everyone and goes through Lucy's clothes and personal things when she's asleep. Maybe she wouldn't be so paranoid if she didn't just hire random people off the street who show up at her doorstep late and night and don't even have references, but that's just my opinion.
Lucy's settling in and things are going okay. One day a teacher doesn't show up so Beck asks Lucy to fill in. She's totally throwing her to the wolves because the girls pretty much start rioting the second Lucy shows her face. But Lucy is a badass. She pinpoints the school bully and shoves her in a closet. Even Beck gives her the thumbs up. The girls warm up to Lucy. Even annoying Ginerva who goes to this school. She and Lucy start hanging out a little bit, even though she finds the girl just as annoying as I do. Ginerva tells her about some secret boyfriend who she treats like dirt and won't even call him by his real name instead calling him "Isidore." Lucy pretty much frowns on the entire thing and tells her to break it off. Obviously, Ginerva heeds this sage advice and lives happily ever after (/sarcasm)
Anyway, Lucy's still helping out with Beck's kids, two of whom seem okay despite having the Snow Queen as their mother, but one is a klepto and kind of a psychopath. One of them gets sick and Dr. John is called. Shocker! Dr. John is the handsome stranger who helped Lucy find an inn (which I have to say, did he really "help" her? He walked her across the park and then left her instead of walking her to the inn and she almost got attacked by those mustachioed men. Would it kill you to walk a few more blocks, Dr. J?) Of course everyone is totally in love with Dr. J. Even the Snow Queen. He, on the other hand, is writing love notes and hiding away in rooms with some chick named Rosine, who we know nothing about other than her name and I guess is she's cute and giggles a lot.
My Thoughts:
Where to even begin? So much happened I feel like I need four posts just to cover it all. Can I just say first of all that most of the guys in this book are kind of idiots? You've got the boatman that tries and succeeds in swindling Lucy (she just gives him the money rather than argue with the jerk), the guy who loses her trunk, and Dr. John who's dumb enough not to fall for Lucy the second he meets her and then just kind of half-asses delivering her to the inn. We better be getting some better male characters. And soon.
I really think my admiration and love for Lucy grows with each chapter. She feels real and has such contradictory emotions and actions, but it works. She's brave, but cautious, hopeful but practical, confident but insecure. She's more daring than she gives herself credit for. I mean, moving to a foreign country without a job, a friend, or even the ability to speak the language? Impressive. I find myself relating to a lot of her inner monologues. Even if she's *gasp* a Protestant. I found the passage where girls weren't allowed to walk alone with her and chat when everyone found that out kind of amusing.
On the other hand, Ginerva? I want to smack her. I thought I couldn't like her any less than when we first meet her and she's giving Lucy these long monologues about how dumb she is, but then we see her at school and she's toying with some guy's heart and taking his gifts without a second thought. If this mystery man turns out to be Dr. J I'm going to be pissed. I don't know who this Rosine girl is, but John, if you're going after Ginerva as well, you're dead to me.
There was a passing reference to a "Charlotte" in one chapter (I've taken out my post it and forgotten the page). I think it referred to her being "on the brink of romance" and I'm curious if this is a moment of self-reflection for Bronte. Maybe I'm being too literal, but it made me think twice. So many of Lucy's moments of isolation and loneliness you can tell are real emotions of Bronte's, having just lost her sisters. It makes Lucy's plight and aloneness in the world all the more profound and unsettling.
Madame Beck is also an interesting character that I'm interested to see more of. She seems to regard a lack of passion and emotion as positive qualities in herself and in Lucy, but Dr. John has got her practically giggling like a schoolgirl (well, as much as someone like her can). Though, seriously, Madame B, let's maybe take a second look at our hiring/firing practices. Going through the pockets of your newly hired employee AFTER you let them sleep in a room with your kids, might not end well one of these days.
There's so much other stuff to talk about, but I feel like I've rambled enough and only want to know one more thing: When does crazy Polly show up in Villette?
Oh, that, and I really need to pick up an edition that has translations for all the French because at first I was just thinking it was okay since I would just feel as lost as Lucy but now she's proficient and I'm still too lazy to open a French-English dictionary.
Week #/ dates :: Chapters to Read
Week One/ February 1st-7th :: ch. 1-5 (i.e. read chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5)
Week Two/ February 8th-14th :: ch. 6-11
Week Three/ February 15th-21st :: ch. 12-17
Week Four/ February 22nd-28th :: ch. 18-22
Week Five/ March 1st-March 7th :: ch. 23-27
Week Six/ March 8th-March 14th :: ch. 28-32
Week Seven/ March 15th-March 21st :: ch. 33-37
Week Eight/ March 22-March 28th :: ch. 38-42
Okay, for only six chapters a TON of stuff has happened to our pal Lucy Snowe.
So when we left Lucy she was in London, all alone and trying to figure out what to do next. She decides to head off to Villette in France to find a job as a governess or teacher. On the voyage over she meets Ginerva Fanshawe, possibly the most annoying girl ever, who tells her about a boarding school and mentions the headmistress, Madame Beck who's in need of a governess for her kids.
In France, Lucy's more alone than ever in a country where she doesn't speak the language. She finds an inn but there are strange folk about and heads off the next day to Villette. In Villette, Lucy discovers some idiot didn't bring her trunk, but, again, Elle ne parele pas francais (I hope that means "she doesn't speak French" because that's what the online translator gave me). A handsome stranger comes to her rescue and, seriously, it's like a scene from my life. Handsome strangers are always coming up asking, "do you need some assistance?" and I have to beat them off with a stick. It's a curse.
Anyway, he points her to an inn and she's stalked by two mustachioed men and flees into a nearby house she thinks is the inn. (Note to Lucy: Good instinct. Never trust a mustachioed man.) Low and behold she ends up in front of Madame Beck's house and Beck says "you want a job even though I don't speak English and you don't speak French? SURE!" So Lucy has a place to stay, though Beck is pretty paranoid and spies on everyone and goes through Lucy's clothes and personal things when she's asleep. Maybe she wouldn't be so paranoid if she didn't just hire random people off the street who show up at her doorstep late and night and don't even have references, but that's just my opinion.
Lucy's settling in and things are going okay. One day a teacher doesn't show up so Beck asks Lucy to fill in. She's totally throwing her to the wolves because the girls pretty much start rioting the second Lucy shows her face. But Lucy is a badass. She pinpoints the school bully and shoves her in a closet. Even Beck gives her the thumbs up. The girls warm up to Lucy. Even annoying Ginerva who goes to this school. She and Lucy start hanging out a little bit, even though she finds the girl just as annoying as I do. Ginerva tells her about some secret boyfriend who she treats like dirt and won't even call him by his real name instead calling him "Isidore." Lucy pretty much frowns on the entire thing and tells her to break it off. Obviously, Ginerva heeds this sage advice and lives happily ever after (/sarcasm)
Anyway, Lucy's still helping out with Beck's kids, two of whom seem okay despite having the Snow Queen as their mother, but one is a klepto and kind of a psychopath. One of them gets sick and Dr. John is called. Shocker! Dr. John is the handsome stranger who helped Lucy find an inn (which I have to say, did he really "help" her? He walked her across the park and then left her instead of walking her to the inn and she almost got attacked by those mustachioed men. Would it kill you to walk a few more blocks, Dr. J?) Of course everyone is totally in love with Dr. J. Even the Snow Queen. He, on the other hand, is writing love notes and hiding away in rooms with some chick named Rosine, who we know nothing about other than her name and I guess is she's cute and giggles a lot.
My Thoughts:
Where to even begin? So much happened I feel like I need four posts just to cover it all. Can I just say first of all that most of the guys in this book are kind of idiots? You've got the boatman that tries and succeeds in swindling Lucy (she just gives him the money rather than argue with the jerk), the guy who loses her trunk, and Dr. John who's dumb enough not to fall for Lucy the second he meets her and then just kind of half-asses delivering her to the inn. We better be getting some better male characters. And soon.
I really think my admiration and love for Lucy grows with each chapter. She feels real and has such contradictory emotions and actions, but it works. She's brave, but cautious, hopeful but practical, confident but insecure. She's more daring than she gives herself credit for. I mean, moving to a foreign country without a job, a friend, or even the ability to speak the language? Impressive. I find myself relating to a lot of her inner monologues. Even if she's *gasp* a Protestant. I found the passage where girls weren't allowed to walk alone with her and chat when everyone found that out kind of amusing.
On the other hand, Ginerva? I want to smack her. I thought I couldn't like her any less than when we first meet her and she's giving Lucy these long monologues about how dumb she is, but then we see her at school and she's toying with some guy's heart and taking his gifts without a second thought. If this mystery man turns out to be Dr. J I'm going to be pissed. I don't know who this Rosine girl is, but John, if you're going after Ginerva as well, you're dead to me.
There was a passing reference to a "Charlotte" in one chapter (I've taken out my post it and forgotten the page). I think it referred to her being "on the brink of romance" and I'm curious if this is a moment of self-reflection for Bronte. Maybe I'm being too literal, but it made me think twice. So many of Lucy's moments of isolation and loneliness you can tell are real emotions of Bronte's, having just lost her sisters. It makes Lucy's plight and aloneness in the world all the more profound and unsettling.
Madame Beck is also an interesting character that I'm interested to see more of. She seems to regard a lack of passion and emotion as positive qualities in herself and in Lucy, but Dr. John has got her practically giggling like a schoolgirl (well, as much as someone like her can). Though, seriously, Madame B, let's maybe take a second look at our hiring/firing practices. Going through the pockets of your newly hired employee AFTER you let them sleep in a room with your kids, might not end well one of these days.
There's so much other stuff to talk about, but I feel like I've rambled enough and only want to know one more thing: When does crazy Polly show up in Villette?
Oh, that, and I really need to pick up an edition that has translations for all the French because at first I was just thinking it was okay since I would just feel as lost as Lucy but now she's proficient and I'm still too lazy to open a French-English dictionary.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Review - Mad Love by Suzanne Selfors
Summary (via Goodreads): When you're the daughter of the bestselling Queen of Romance, life should be pretty good. But 16-year-old Alice Amorous has been living a lie ever since her mother was secretly hospitalized for mental illness. After putting on a brave front for months, time is running out. The next book is overdue, and the Queen can't write it. Alice needs a story for her mother—and she needs one fast.
That's when she meets Errol, a strange boy who claims to be Cupid, who insists that Alice write about the greatest love story in history: his tragic relationship with Psyche. As Alice begins to hear Errol's voice in her head and see things she can't explain, she must face the truth—that she's either inherited her mother's madness, or Errol is for real.
I must not have done more than skim the summary of this book, because when I picked it up from the library last week, the first thing I noticed was that the heart-spiral on the cover is filled with the phrase "I don't believe in Cupid" over and over, and I laughed and thought, "Is Cupid going to be in this story?"
Yes. Yes, he is. And Cupid wants his story told.
So, the fact that this is a Cupid story and today is Valentine's Day is pure coincidence, I swear.
Anyway, on to the review:
Alice, our main character, has enough going on in her life that this strange guy named Errol claiming to be Eros/Cupid/God-of-Love has trouble grabbing her attention. First, her mom's in a hospital for the mentally ill. That alone is enough to ruin a girl's summer, but Alice can't tell anyone outside of a small clan of trusted neighbors the truth, because her mom? She has a title of her own: Queen of Romance. The fans and publishing house can't know that their favorite romance author is sick. So Alice steps in, signing books, fending off questions about when the next book will be finished, telling everyone her mom is "overseas." When the hospital bills can't be paid, Alice puts her life on hold (even telling her crush it's too complicated right now) to step into her mother's shoes, trying to write her mom's "untitled work in progress."
This book deals with some tough issues, but the over-all tone of the book is light. Cupids start appearing everywhere in Alice's life, figurines, pictures, and Cupid himself. We even get to witness the knock-you-off-your-feet effects of Cupid's arrows.
There was a lot going on in this story. Alice's "family", her neighbors: Ms. Bobot, Ms. Bobot's granddaughter Realm, Reverend Ruttles, and Archibald, each had their own subplots, and Errol had his story of his one and only love, Psyche, to tell. This made some of the subplots seem rushed. I wanted to spend more time with the adult's stories. I wanted Errol's story fleshed out more (as it was, his tale of Psyche had barely more detail than the original myth). But what was there was good.
Overall, this was a fun read, and met my expectations (even though Cupid was a surprise... next time, I'll read the second paragraph of the description).
Lit Snit Verdict: B
Friday, February 11, 2011
Review - Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Summary (from Goodreads): Before scientists found the cure, people thought love was a good thing. They didn’t understand that once love -the deliria- blooms in your blood, there is no escaping its hold. Things are different now. Scientists are able to eradicate love, and the government’s demands that all citizens receive the cure upon turning eighteen. Lena Holway has always looked forward to the day when she’ll be cured. A life without love is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable, and happy.
But with ninety-five days left until her treatment, Lena does the unthinkable: She falls in love
I had mixed feelings about this book before I even started reading it. The good: It's by Lauren Oliver, the author of "Before I Fall." I love the depth she brings to her characters. The bad: It's another dystopia book. Normally, I love a good dystopia story, but after the last one I read I was wary of the entire genre (Ally Condie’s “Matched” just didn’t work for me).
The premise: Love has been identified as a disease, and now the cure is mandatory. The cure isn’t safe for under-eighteens, so society is not completely safe from "amor deliria nervosa". There are patrols and raids, looking for signs of resistance and uncured kids who might be infected. You better watch what you say, even to your best friend, because you don’t know if you’re being watched. You don't want to be thought of as a "sympathizer". Sympathizers are executed.
Seeing the world from Lena's perspective, I can understand why she feels comfort in the idea of the cure. With the cure, all the awkwardness and emotional rollercoasters of being a teenager are instantly wiped away, leaving behind a calmer, matured version of yourself, safe from the dangers of deliria, which can kill you and you won't even care.
But I felt like I was missing something in why the country had that violent switch-over to an oppressive 1984-esque government with a too-harsh penal system. Sure, they found deliria to be the cause of many diseases, but I just had trouble believing that the government would then force everyone to be cured, when really I would think only the most heart-broken/grief-stricken people would find the idea of curing love appealing. Maybe it will be explained more in the sequels.
In a lot of ways, the life of a teenager (pre-cure) is pretty familiar: School bullies and best friends, curfews, summer jobs, and even first loves. Yes, Lena catches deliria. She’s falling in love for the first time and, no, she doesn't even care if it'll kill her.
It's worth reading for the characters; I do love Lauren Oliver's writing style. If you can ignore the nagging question “but why would they want to cure love?” then it’s a good read. I liked the duel perspective we got with Lena’s best friend, Hana, who is the opposite of Lena in a lot of ways, and is the first to question the cure. It’s Hana who whispers to her, “You know you can’t be happy unless you’re unhappy sometimes, right?” and starts Lena down a path that will lead her to question her entire worldview.
Lit Snit Verdict: B-
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Villette Read-a-Long: Week One
I'm participating in the Villette Read-a-Long hosted by Wallace at Unputdownables. We're reading Villette by Charlotte Bronte over the next 8 weeks. Join us! (or don't ...whatever, I'm not your Mom...though would it kill you to clean up your room once in a while?)
Chapters: 1-5
Summary (via Wallace because I am lazy and today has been a crazy day and I just finished reading chapter five on the train this morning):
We meet Lucy Snowe as she is staying at her Mrs. Bretton, her godmother’s, house. While she is there, a child named Polly (short for Paulina) comes to stay after her mother dies. Polly is terribly homesick for her father and is only remedied from it by meeting Mrs. Bretton’s teenage son, John Graham Bretton (hereafter known as Graham). She becomes his pet, and, at six, she dotes on him and flourished under his big brotherly-like attentions completely. Once Polly’s father is settled with his relations outside of England he sends for his young daughter to join him. A few weeks later, Lucy travels back home, finds a place to live, and a job with a Miss Marchmont. After the death of her benevolent though sad mistress, Lucy must set out to look for a new place to live and another form of income. We leave Lucy, at the end of chatper 5, alone and forlorn after she has just arrived in London after hearing of families who are looking for governesses.
My thoughts:
So from the other Villette posts I've read I've already deduced that I do not have the emotional maturity to take classics too seriously because my initial thoughts when Lucy's talking about Polly? "Dude, does this kid have Benjamin Button disease? 'Cause she's like a thirty year old in a six year old's body."
Seriously. I know this is the 19th century and all, but, man, Polly is a weird kid. Her devotion to her dad and then to Graham kind of freaked me out. She was more like a wife to her father than a child, hanging all over him and gazing into his eyes and whatnot. FREAKY.
I'm hoping she comes back into the story later because Lucy spends a lot of time delving into Polly's background and state of mind and her weird passive-aggressive relationship with Graham (Dear Polly, I know your six or whatever, but you really need to read He's Just Not That Into You before you hit puberty. Just sayin'). I have a morbid curiosity to see what kind of nutjob she becomes as an adult. The whole Marchmont thing was kind of surprising and quick. It was literally, "hey, I have a job! my boss is dead..."
Lucy's still kind of undefined in my mind other than being a lot like Jane Eyre in that horrible shit keeps happening to her and she just trucks along because, what are you going to do, you know? She seems like a tough cookie though (man, I sound like my grandmother) with a good head on her shoulders, talking about "Common Sense" as if it were a dear friend taking care of her instead of an aspect of her personality. Plus, she totally sees through Graham and tells Polly that boys kind of suck and you should get used to it now. This girl totally needs a BFF stat. She's all alone in the world and I just wanted to give her a big hug when she was trying to figure out what the heck she was going to do next after Marchmont kicked it.
Anyway, I'm a bit hyper today if that's not completely apparent, but if you're reading Villette, I'm interested to see what you guys think. And if you want a much more mature look at the first five chapters, check out Unputdownables where others are posting their thoughts.
Chapters: 1-5
Summary (via Wallace because I am lazy and today has been a crazy day and I just finished reading chapter five on the train this morning):
We meet Lucy Snowe as she is staying at her Mrs. Bretton, her godmother’s, house. While she is there, a child named Polly (short for Paulina) comes to stay after her mother dies. Polly is terribly homesick for her father and is only remedied from it by meeting Mrs. Bretton’s teenage son, John Graham Bretton (hereafter known as Graham). She becomes his pet, and, at six, she dotes on him and flourished under his big brotherly-like attentions completely. Once Polly’s father is settled with his relations outside of England he sends for his young daughter to join him. A few weeks later, Lucy travels back home, finds a place to live, and a job with a Miss Marchmont. After the death of her benevolent though sad mistress, Lucy must set out to look for a new place to live and another form of income. We leave Lucy, at the end of chatper 5, alone and forlorn after she has just arrived in London after hearing of families who are looking for governesses.
My thoughts:
So from the other Villette posts I've read I've already deduced that I do not have the emotional maturity to take classics too seriously because my initial thoughts when Lucy's talking about Polly? "Dude, does this kid have Benjamin Button disease? 'Cause she's like a thirty year old in a six year old's body."
Seriously. I know this is the 19th century and all, but, man, Polly is a weird kid. Her devotion to her dad and then to Graham kind of freaked me out. She was more like a wife to her father than a child, hanging all over him and gazing into his eyes and whatnot. FREAKY.
I'm hoping she comes back into the story later because Lucy spends a lot of time delving into Polly's background and state of mind and her weird passive-aggressive relationship with Graham (Dear Polly, I know your six or whatever, but you really need to read He's Just Not That Into You before you hit puberty. Just sayin'). I have a morbid curiosity to see what kind of nutjob she becomes as an adult. The whole Marchmont thing was kind of surprising and quick. It was literally, "hey, I have a job! my boss is dead..."
Lucy's still kind of undefined in my mind other than being a lot like Jane Eyre in that horrible shit keeps happening to her and she just trucks along because, what are you going to do, you know? She seems like a tough cookie though (man, I sound like my grandmother) with a good head on her shoulders, talking about "Common Sense" as if it were a dear friend taking care of her instead of an aspect of her personality. Plus, she totally sees through Graham and tells Polly that boys kind of suck and you should get used to it now. This girl totally needs a BFF stat. She's all alone in the world and I just wanted to give her a big hug when she was trying to figure out what the heck she was going to do next after Marchmont kicked it.
Anyway, I'm a bit hyper today if that's not completely apparent, but if you're reading Villette, I'm interested to see what you guys think. And if you want a much more mature look at the first five chapters, check out Unputdownables where others are posting their thoughts.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Villette Read-a-Long
I have been remiss in announcing I'm participating in a read-a-long hosted by Wallace over at Unputdownables. We're reading Villette by Charlotte Bronte. I adored Jane Eyre and don't read nearly enough classics so I was excited by the prospect of a little more Bronte in my life. To give you a quick background, here's a synopsis:
Arguably Brontë's most refined and deeply felt work, Villette draws on her profound loneliness following the deaths of her three siblings. Lucy Snowe, the narrator of Villette, flees from an unhappy past in England to begin a new life as a teacher at a French boarding school in the great cosmopolitan capital of Villette. Soon Lucy's struggle for independence is overshadowed by both her friendship with a worldly English doctor and her feelings for an autocratic schoolmaster. Brontë's strikingly modern heroine must decide if there is any man in her society with whom she can live and still be free.
I love the modern notion of looking for love while still remaining independent and can't wait to get further in this story. I'll be blogging about my progress over the next two month and urge you guys to read along with me. (Sorry, I've given you such little notice, but don't worry there's plenty of time to catch up!)
Here's the reading schedule:
Week #/ dates :: Chapters to Read
Week One/ February 1st-7th :: ch. 1-5 (i.e. read chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5)
Week Two/ February 8th-14th :: ch. 6-11
Week Three/ February 15th-21st :: ch. 12-17
Week Four/ February 22nd-28th :: ch. 18-22
Week Five/ March 1st-March 7th :: ch. 23-27
Week Six/ March 8th-March 14th :: ch. 28-32
Week Seven/ March 15th-March 21st :: ch. 33-37
Week Eight/ March 22-March 28th :: ch. 38-42
There are lots of other blogs participating so be sure to check out Unputdownables to see everyone else's progress.
Arguably Brontë's most refined and deeply felt work, Villette draws on her profound loneliness following the deaths of her three siblings. Lucy Snowe, the narrator of Villette, flees from an unhappy past in England to begin a new life as a teacher at a French boarding school in the great cosmopolitan capital of Villette. Soon Lucy's struggle for independence is overshadowed by both her friendship with a worldly English doctor and her feelings for an autocratic schoolmaster. Brontë's strikingly modern heroine must decide if there is any man in her society with whom she can live and still be free.
I love the modern notion of looking for love while still remaining independent and can't wait to get further in this story. I'll be blogging about my progress over the next two month and urge you guys to read along with me. (Sorry, I've given you such little notice, but don't worry there's plenty of time to catch up!)
Here's the reading schedule:
Week #/ dates :: Chapters to Read
Week One/ February 1st-7th :: ch. 1-5 (i.e. read chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5)
Week Two/ February 8th-14th :: ch. 6-11
Week Three/ February 15th-21st :: ch. 12-17
Week Four/ February 22nd-28th :: ch. 18-22
Week Five/ March 1st-March 7th :: ch. 23-27
Week Six/ March 8th-March 14th :: ch. 28-32
Week Seven/ March 15th-March 21st :: ch. 33-37
Week Eight/ March 22-March 28th :: ch. 38-42
There are lots of other blogs participating so be sure to check out Unputdownables to see everyone else's progress.
Waiting on Wednesday — Erin
Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter
Pub date: June 21, 2011
Katarina Bishop has worn a lot of labels in her short life. Friend. Niece. Daughter. Thief. But for the last two months she’s simply been known as the girl who ran the crew that robbed the greatest museum in the world. That’s why Kat isn’t surprised when she’s asked to steal the infamous Cleopatra Emerald so it can be returned to its rightful owners.
There are only three problems. First, the gem hasn’t been seen in public in thirty years. Second, since the fall of the Egyptian empire and the suicide of Cleopatra, no one who holds the emerald keeps it for long, and in Kat’s world, history almost always repeats itself. But it’s the third problem that makes Kat’s crew the most nervous and that is simply… the emerald is cursed.
Kat might be in way over her head, but she’s not going down without a fight. After all she has her best friend—the gorgeous Hale—and the rest of her crew with her as they chase the Cleopatra around the globe, dodging curses, realizing that the same tricks and cons her family has used for centuries are useless this time.
Which means, this time, Katarina Bishop is making up her own rules.
When I saw the cover reveal last week for Ally Carter's second Heist Society book I immediately knew what my WoW pick would be. I adored Heist Society. I mean, come on, Ocean's 11 for teens? Yes please! While I am a fan of her Gallagher Girls series, I'm completely in love with the characters she's created in this series. The dialogue is so snappy and witty and has such great energy. It really feels like a heist film come to life. I absolutely can't wait to get my hands on this one.
What are you waiting on this week?
*Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine
Pub date: June 21, 2011
Katarina Bishop has worn a lot of labels in her short life. Friend. Niece. Daughter. Thief. But for the last two months she’s simply been known as the girl who ran the crew that robbed the greatest museum in the world. That’s why Kat isn’t surprised when she’s asked to steal the infamous Cleopatra Emerald so it can be returned to its rightful owners.
There are only three problems. First, the gem hasn’t been seen in public in thirty years. Second, since the fall of the Egyptian empire and the suicide of Cleopatra, no one who holds the emerald keeps it for long, and in Kat’s world, history almost always repeats itself. But it’s the third problem that makes Kat’s crew the most nervous and that is simply… the emerald is cursed.
Kat might be in way over her head, but she’s not going down without a fight. After all she has her best friend—the gorgeous Hale—and the rest of her crew with her as they chase the Cleopatra around the globe, dodging curses, realizing that the same tricks and cons her family has used for centuries are useless this time.
Which means, this time, Katarina Bishop is making up her own rules.
When I saw the cover reveal last week for Ally Carter's second Heist Society book I immediately knew what my WoW pick would be. I adored Heist Society. I mean, come on, Ocean's 11 for teens? Yes please! While I am a fan of her Gallagher Girls series, I'm completely in love with the characters she's created in this series. The dialogue is so snappy and witty and has such great energy. It really feels like a heist film come to life. I absolutely can't wait to get my hands on this one.
What are you waiting on this week?
*Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine
Monday, February 7, 2011
Review — A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
Synopsis (via Goodreads): Jennifer Egan’s spellbinding new work circles Bennie Salazar, an aging former punk rocker and record executive, and Sasha, the passionate, troubled young woman he employs. Bennie and Sasha never discover each other’s pasts, but the reader does, in intimate detail, along with the secret lives of a host of other people whose paths intersect with theirs in the San Francisco 1970s music scene, the demimonde of Naples, New York at many points along the way from the pre-Internet nineties to a postwar future, and on a catastrophic safari into the heart of Africa. We meet Lou, Bennie’s charismatic, careless mentor; Scotty, the young musician who slipped off the grid; the uncle facing a failed marriage who goes in search of seventeen-year-old Sasha when she disappears into Italy; and the therapist on whose couch she dissects darker compulsions.
A Visit from the Goon Squad is a book about time, survival, and the electrifying sparks ignited at the seams of our lives by colliding destinies. Sly, surprising, exhilarating work from one of our boldest writers.
A Visit from the Goon Squad is a book about time, survival, and the electrifying sparks ignited at the seams of our lives by colliding destinies. Sly, surprising, exhilarating work from one of our boldest writers.
Review: “Time is a goon.” That’s the saying, isn’t it? Maybe not, but it doesn’t mean it’s not true however you interpret it. Egan’s novel is more a narrative web than any kind of linear story. The web extends from Bennie Salazar and through him we meet a whole host of other characters, some directly related to him, some that aren’t. Each chapter jumps in time in what I want to call “past, present, and future” but, really, they are all the present.
At first A Visit From the Good Squad reminded me of Tom Rachman’s The Imperfectionists, but where I found Rachman’s book to be a little depressing, I was strangely inspired by Egan’s use of multiple points of view and non-linear storytelling. We have a wide array of narrators, but I never felt pulled in different directions or confused. I realize now that while it’s not linear storytelling, it is an emotionally linear story.
Each chapter feels like it could be an entirely different book, but they all work together incredibly well. There’s a chapter that’s told entirely in graphs and charts and I think that might have been the most emotionally affecting chapter in the entire book.
Not every chapter works perfectly. The chapter staring “LaDoll” felt a bit out of place in the greater picture, though it was engrossing in it’s own right. Ted’s chapter wasn’t my favorite, though I did like the chance to see Sasha as a teenager. Egan uses a variety of devices throughout the book, from the charts, like I mentioned, to an omniscient narrator who sees characters future’s while we’re in their present, and she even uses the dreaded second person. And it actually works. That kind of literary device could take you out of the narrative, but I didn’t even realize I was reading in the second person until a few pages into the chapter.
As I finished Goon Squad, I felt the need to sit back and have a few minutes of reflection, something that doesn’t happen often, sadly. I feel like I’m still trying to work this one out, sort out all my thoughts and feelings. Egan makes you think about time, family, friends, music, regrets, and so much more in such an emotional, visceral way. A Visit From the Goon Squad is one I know I will definitely visit again and again, each time taking away something different. There’s something sad, hopeful, and beautiful about this novel and I really can’t recommend it enough.
Lit Snit Verdict: A
Lit Snit Verdict: A
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Review - Shift by Jennifer Bradbury
Synopsis (from book cover): Imagine you and your best friend head out West on a cross-country bike trek. Imagine that the two of you get into a fight—and stop riding together. Imagine you reach Seattle, go back home, start college. Imagine you think your former best friend does too. Imagine he doesn’t. Imagine your world shifting… Shift is a tour de force—a literary debut that’ll knock the wind out of you as it explores the depths of loyalty, the depths of friendship, and the unknowable depths of another person.
Review: Two friends go on a cross-country bike trek together after high school graduation. They get separated. Only one of them goes back home. Now, an FBI agent is asking questions.
We know this much in the first chapter, meeting Chris, who is starting his first year of college without having heard from his supposed friend, Win, in weeks. Win’s powerful and disapproving father wants to know what happened to Win, if Chris has heard from Win, if maybe Chris had something to do with his disappearance. Chris starts to wonder how much Win was hiding from him.
Then, we're taken back to the beginning, before graduation, when the bike trip was first conceived. The story splits into two time-lines, flip-flopping between Chris’s first year of college and the summer before, fleshing out the story of Chris and Win’s journey from West Virginia to the west coast.
We get to know Chris and Win, best friends since sixth grade, so close they practically shared a brain. The cross-country trip is a life-changing one, and not just because of the way it ended. More important are the people they meet along the way, the stories they share, the things they learn about themselves and each other.
With simple but elegant prose, this is one of those stories where the characters and the relationships between them can outshine even the best plots. It felt real, and had a lot of heart.
Lit Snit Verdict: A
Waiting on Wednesday - Abandon
Waiting On Wednesday: Abandon by Meg Cabot
Scholastic Inc.
Release date: April 26, 2011
Synopsis: New from #1 New York Times bestselling author Meg Cabot, a dark, fantastical story about this world . . . and the underworld.
When Pierce first sees him, she thinks he is a murderer. She's right about one thing -- he does take lives. But not in the way she ever imagined. Pierce is drawn to the dark stranger even as she tries to uncover the mystery surrounding the tragic death of someone close to her. As she gets closer to the truth -- and the stranger -- unexpected secrets are revealed, even in her own heart.
This book has a few things going for it: first, it's by Meg Cabot. This fact alone is enough to get me to pick it up. It's also, according to her website, a retelling of the myth of Persephone. Yay!!!
I know the Persephone myth is a tad anti-feminist and creepy, especially the closer you get to the original story (an innocent maiden, dark and brooding god of the underworld, abduction and rape and a grieving mother), but it still makes for good source material for retellings. (Did anyone else read L J Smith's Forbidden Games trilogy? This was also a Persephone retelling)
And check out the full jacket cover!
April seems sooo far away!
**Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine
Books at the Oscars
I ran across an interesting Oscar edition book meme over at Book Memes and Quizzes, which tried to bring the Academy Awards to books by asking readers and bloggers some interesting book-movie/movie-book questions:
Q: What book would you most like to see made into a movie?

Mariam - Shohreh Aghdashloo
Leila - Indira Verma
Rasheed - Anil Kapoor
Tariq - Naveen Andrews
Note: Here is a list of 5 popular books, whose movie versions are set to hit movie theaters in 2011:
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (US version starring Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara)
One for the Money (starring Katherine Heigl and Daniel Sunjata)
One Day (starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess)
The Help (starring Emma Stone and Viola Davis)
Water for Elephants (starring Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon)
Q: What movie would you most like to get a book version of?
A: Blue Valentine. Derek Cianfrance worked on Blue Valentine’s movie script for 12 years. It is his baby, and what a marvelous baby it is. I’d liken this story of a relationship falling apart to Richard Yates’s Revolutionary Road. What I saw on the big screen was mesmerizing, but I’m a book person and I would love to get my hands on a novelization of this story.
Q: What's your favorite movie adaptation of a book?
A: I have to go to a three way tie for this one:
Apocalypse Now (based on the book Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad)
Let The Right One In (based on the book Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist)
Breakfast at Tiffany's (based on the book Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote)
If you haven’t read these books, go get them!
If you haven’t seen these movies, you don’t know what you’re missing!

What's your favorite book adaptation of a movie (or tv show)?
What's your favorite book adaptation of a movie (or tv show)?
I’m not a big fan of the movie novelization genre. It seem that the majority of successful movie-to-book transitions come from science fiction plotlines, and sci/fi is just not my thing...yet. The one movie-to-book adaptation I've read and liked was the Natural Born Killers novelization by John August. The movie is a grisly, crazy ride. The book version (also entitled Natural Born Killers), supplements the on-screen action, describing some of Mickey and Mallory’s murders which were omitted in the movie.
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